500+ Fun ‘This or That’ Questions to Spark Conversation and Break the Ice!

Asking questions like “this or that” is a good way to get to know someone better or just pass the time. Playing “this or that” can be both fun and goofy, and it’s also a great way to build teamwork online. Playing the “this or that” quiz is pretty easy. You need at least two people to play and you can also play by sending messages. You can also play using Zoom or Slack. Playing this game can help people get to know each other better at work or school. Plus, it can be played quickly if you are short of time. Here are more than five hundred this or that questions where you choose between two options. You will find  questions suited for adults, students, and couples. 

What are This or That Questions?

“Choose one of two options” questions are called “this or that” questions. These questions  can make us laugh, but sometimes they can be difficult too. Usually adults use this game to start a conversation or have fun with friends. These questions are sometimes called “either or questions,” or “pick one of the two” or “a or b questions”. It can be played anytime with your coworkers, family or friends and you do not need any equipment to play this game. These questions are a great idea for fun events at digital marketing and other companies.

This or That Questions – How To Play

There are a few ways to play. The first way is good for little groups, and the second way is better for only two people. A person who can guess what someone else is thinking or feeling is a mind reader. This is a fun game to test how much you know about your friends. To play this, you need a coin and a piece of paper. Take the coin, ask a question, and place it behind the paper. If you think the answer will be the first choice, choose heads up. If you think it will be the second choice, choose tails up. After everyone takes a turn guessing, the person gives the answer. Everyone can show their coins.

In the second method where only two people can play, think of an answer for a question you read to yourself. Now, pose a query. If they give the same answer as you, do it again. If the other gives a different answer than you, take turns asking and answering questions. This way is good for knowing if you are alike or different from the other person. To make things faster, ask a question and answer together when you reach three and see if they are the same. Now let us look at the list of our “this or that” questions for fun ice breaking games under various categories.

Also Read: Fun Yes or No Questions to Ask For Office Games in 2025

This or That Questions – Funny

  1. Babies dressed as animals or animals dressed as humans?
  2. Robots or dinosaurs?
  3. Comedian in a serious film or serious actor in a comedy film?
  4. Silly hats or silly socks?
  5. Instagram famous or infomercial famous?
  6. Boxers or briefs?
  7. Fainting or spit take?
  8. Speeding ticket or parking ticket?
  9. Zombies or vampires?
  10. Funny story or one-liner?
  11. Misquoted movies or mistaken lyrics?
  12. Bad haircut or bad dye job?
  13. Pineapple pizza or candy corn?
  14. Talking pets or talking babies?
  15. Winning the lottery or finding your soulmate?
  16. Guacamole or salsa?
  17. Bad breath or body odor?
  18. A store where all items are free or a restaurant where every food is calorie free?
  19. Passwords or secret handshakes?
  20. Loud neighbors or nosey neighbors?
  21. Working hard or hardly working?
  22. Sneezing or coughing?
  23. Air guitar or air drums?
  24. Test the waters or dive deep?
  25. Glass half full or glass half empty?
  26. Ketchup or sauce?
  27. Phone or no phone in bathroom?
  28. Sort by price or by rating?
  29. Sauce on the side or on top?
  30. Crunchy peanut butter or smooth peanut butter?

This or That Questions – Adults

  1. Fishing Boat or Luxury Yacht?
  2. Crossword Puzzle or Sudoku?
  3. Classical Music or Blues?
  4. Cowabunga or Yabba Dabba Doo?
  5. Cross-Country Skiing or Downhill Skiing?
  6. Smartphone or tablet?
  7. Wine or Beer?
  8. Camping or glamping?
  9. Cooking or being cooked for?
  10. Play or standup show?
  11. Hot Air Balloon Ride or Helicopter Tour?
  12. Caviar or Truffles?
  13. Food Truck Hopping or Gourmet Food Tour?
  14. Rural Living or Urban Living?
  15. Summer Vacation or Winter Holiday?
  16. Spa Retreat or Adventure Travel?
  17. Wine Tasting or Brewery Tour?
  18. Vintage Car or Electric Car?
  19. Vacation or staycation?
  20. Netflix or Hulu?
  21. Night or morning?
  22. Rich and famous or rich and unknown?
  23. Passenger or driver?
  24. Art museum or history museum?
  25. White Glove Service or Self-Service?
  26. Bouncing Castle for Adults or Treehouse for Adults?
  27. Square Dance or River Dance?
  28. Art Gallery or History Museum Visit?
  29. Symphony or Rock Concert?
  30. Skyscraper Apartment or Bungalow?
  31. Morning Jog or Evening Walk?
  32. In-Person Meeting or Video Conference?
  33. Snorkeling or SCUBA Diving?
  34. Charcoal Grilling or Gas Grilling?
  35. Backyard BBQ Area or Gourmet Kitchen?
  36. Ceiling Fan or Tabletop / Floor Fan?
  37. Jazz Club or Piano Bar?
  38. Art Auction or Garage Sale?
  39. Bed And Breakfast or Luxury Hotel?
  40. Couch Potato or Gym Rat?
  41. Rare Book Collection or Wine Collection?
  42. Real Estate or Stocks?
  43. Opera or Jazz Club?
  44. Casual Brunch or Formal Dinner?
  45. Aerobics or Yoga?
  46. Online Newspaper or Print Newspaper?
  47. Full Moon Beach Party or New Moon Rooftop Party?
  48. Indoor Plants or Outdoor Garden?
  49. Tent Camping or RV Camping?
  50. Physical Book or Kindle?
  51. Black-Tie Gala or Cocktail Party?
  52. Opera or Rock Concert?
  53. Pottery Class or Glassblowing Class?
  54. Manual or Automatic?
  55. Past was Better or Future will be Better?
  56. Farmers Market or Grocery Store?
  57. Roommates or live alone?
  58. Car or bike?
  59. Ambition or comfort?
  60. Sneakers or dress shoes?
  61. Fiction or nonfiction?
  62. Cash or credit?
  63. Lose sleep or skip a meal?
  64. Hang out with kids or old people?
  65. Sweating or shivering?
  66. Hot coffee or iced coffee?
  67. Patterned or plain?
  68. Espresso or drip coffee?
  69. Off the Rack Clothes or Designer Brands?
  70. Instant Coffee or French Press?
  71. Yacht or Private Jet?
  72. Birdwatching or Stargazing?
  73. Oil Painting or Sculpture?
  74. Golf or NASCAR?
  75. Jazz Band or Symphony Orchestra?
  76. Luxury Car or Classic Car?
  77. Weekend Getaway or Staycation?
  78. Gourmet Dining or Street Food?
  79. Train or airplane?
  80. Owe money or owe a favor?
  81. Coffee or tea?
  82. Be embarrassed or be afraid?
  83. City or countryside?
  84. Attend a party or host a party?
  85. Reality shows or documentaries?
  86. Red wine or white wine?
  87. Salad or sandwich?

This or That Questions – Kids

  1. Puppies or kittens?
  2. Dragons or unicorns?
  3. Beach or pool?
  4. TV or movies?
  5. Football or soccer?
  6. Swimming or building sand castles?
  7. No homework or no bedtime?
  8. Flying or turning invisible?
  9. Batman or Superman?
  10. Lions or tigers?
  11. Sharks or dolphins?
  12. Outer space or the sea bottom?
  13. Jogging or walking?
  14. Toys or candy?
  15. Chocolate or vanilla?
  16. Cookies or brownies?
  17. Pizza or tacos?
  18. Winter or summer?
  19. Ninjas or pirates?
  20. Christmas or your birthday?
  21. Halloween or Christmas?
  22. Pandas or koalas?
  23. Ice cream or cake?
  24. Volcano or mountain?
  25. Sun or moon?
  26. Zoo or aquarium?
  27. Sweet or sour?
  28. Pizza party or pool party?
  29. Lake or ocean?
  30. Hamburgers or hot dogs?
  31. Sandwiches with crusts or no crusts?
  32. Fruits or vegetables?
  33. Disney World or LegoLand?
  34. Singing or dancing?

This or That Questions – Friends

  1. French fries or onion rings?
  2. Plans or surprises?
  3. Pizza or Chinese food?
  4. Books or movies?
  5. Roller coasters or water slides?
  6. Souvenirs or postcards?
  7. Letter or emails?
  8. Android or iPhone?
  9. Brand name or generic?
  10. Animals or people?
  11. Weekends or holidays?
  12. Day or night?
  13. Watch sports or play sports?
  14. Driving fast or driving slow?
  15. Call in the morning or in the middle of the night?
  16. Board games or video games?
  17. Images or videos?
  18. Message through social media or text?
  19. Take a friend on your family function or join a friend on their family function?
  20. Group hangout or couple hangout?
  21. Share food or don’t share food?
  22. Give a ride or hitch a ride?
  23. Paypal or Venmo?
  24. Instagram or Twitter?
  25. Shopping online or shopping in-store?
  26. Tattoos or piercings?
  27. Store-bought or homemade?
  28. Bargain or top-shelf?
  29. Loud or quiet?
  30. Protagonist or sidekick?
  31. Girl friends or guy friends?

This or That Questions – Food

  1. Raisin bran or granola?
  2. Black beans or kidney beans?
  3. Chinese or Italian?
  4. Chips with dip or vegetables and dip?
  5. Garlic or onion?
  6. Fish or steak?
  7. Tacos or chicken parmigiana?
  8. Cupcake or Dingdong?
  9. Salad or squash?
  10. Pizza or subs?
  11. Rice krispies or Corn flakes?
  12. Walnuts or sunflower seeds?
  13. Hot or iced tea?
  14. Sugar or chocolate chip cookies?
  15. Cheese and crackers or pretzels?
  16. Pinto or Lima beans?
  17. Three Musketeers or Peppermint Patty?
  18. Sweet or sour?
  19. Drip coffee or instant?
  20. Refried beans or rice?
  21. Cantaloupe or grapefruit?
  22. Gum or Lifesavers?
  23. Cashews or hazelnuts?
  24. O’Henry or Baby Ruth?
  25. Trail mix or candy bar?
  26. Easy or rare snack?
  27. Hot dog or burger?
  28. Salt and vinegar or cheddar and sour cream?
  29. Croissants or bagels?
  30. Almond Joy or Snickers?
  31. Cake or donuts?
  32. Eggs or oatmeals?
  33. Thousand Island or Ranch?
  34. Frozen veggies or canned?
  35. Pork or chicken?
  36. Cook out in the backyard or catered?
  37. Slim Jim or Jerky?
  38. Grape or orange?
  39. Baked potato or onion rings?
  40. Cinnamon or blueberry bagels?
  41. Irish coffee or plain coffee?
  42. Apples or bananas?
  43. Ketchup or mustard?
  44. Sub roll or ciabatta roll?
  45. Whole wheat or rye?
  46. Pancakes or waffles?
  47. Hash browns or home fries?
  48. Apple jacks or fruit loops?
  49. Cake or pie?
  50. Ribs or wings?
  51. Burgers or seafood?
  52. Licorice or fruit roll ups?
  53. Pie or cobbler?
  54. Grilled or pan fried?
  55. Orange soda or Grape?
  56. Bacon or sausage?
  57. Cheerios or corn puffs?
  58. Beer or mixed drinks?
  59. Dinner rolls or croissant rolls?
  60. Biscuits or bread?
  61. Green beans or broccoli?
  62. Poppy seed or onion rolls?
  63. Mayo or salad dressing?
  64. Wine or beer?
  65. Lime or blueberry?
  66. Italian sub or ham and cheese?
  67. Jello or pudding?
  68. American or Mexican?
  69. Cherry or raspberry?
  70. Hot pretzels or nachos?
  71. Sweet potato or French fries?
  72. Stew or chili?
  73. French fries or onion rings?
  74. Breaded or plain?
  75. Jack Daniels or Jim Beam?
  76. Juice or water?
  77. Pastries or confectionaries?
  78. Cold cereal or oatmeal?
  79. White or wheat bread?
  80. Whole grain or white?
  81. Reese’s peanut butter cup or Hershey’s bar?
  82. Cream and sugar or black coffee?
  83. Coffee or tea?
  84. Oranges or peaches?
  85. Eat in or dine out?
  86. Scrambled eggs or over easy?
  87. Indian or Thai?
  88. Apple or cherry pie?
  89. Fruit or vegetables?
  90. Coke or Pepsi?
  91. Watermelon or plums?
  92. Catalina or vinaigrette?
  93. Turkey and cheese or roast beef sub?
  94. Ginger ale or Sprite?
  95. Over easy or poached eggs?
  96. Ice cream or sherbet?
  97. Pastries or cookies?
  98. Tootsie rolls or Skittles?
  99. Corn muffin or blueberry?
  100. Sour cream and onion chips or barbecue?
  101. Pumpkin or blueberry?
  102. Popcorn or peanuts?
  103. Sweetened tea or unsweetened?
  104. Cheese fries or chili fries?
  105. Cheeseburger or calamari?
  106. Cook at home or take out?
  107. Iced or hot coffee?
  108. Swiss cake or Hoho?
  109. Perked coffee or tea?
  110. Orange juice or grapefruit juice?
  111. Onion dip or bacon horseradish dip?
  112. Family run or chain restaurant?
  113. Peanuts or almonds?
  114. Payday or 5th avenue?
  115. Corn chips or Doritos?
  116. Bagels or English muffins
  117. Vanilla or chocolate?
  118. Sandwich or soup?
  119. Deep fried or baked?
  120. Pastrami or bologna?
  121. Tic-tac or Altoids?
  122. Corn or peas?
  123. Food truck or diner?

This or That Questions – Students

  1. Multiple choice or essay?
  2. Physical planners or digital planners?
  3. Win a race or win a debate?
  4. Spelling bee or math bee?
  5. Homework or classwork?
  6. Big class or small class?
  7. Desks or tables?
  8. Write assignments immediately or wait until the last day?
  9. Gym or Art?
  10. Save daily, or save at the end?
  11. USB backup or Cloud storage?
  12. English or Math?
  13. Home school or classroom learning?
  14. Field trips or field days?
  15. Science or History?
  16. Group work or solo work?
  17. Art projects or science projects?
  18. Forget your pencil or forget a notebook?
  19. Drive to school or take the bus?
  20. Messy locker or tidy locker?
  21. Pen or pencil?
  22. Recess or lunch?
  23. Poem or story?
  24. Recent history or ancient history?
  25. Chemistry or biology?
  26. Geometry or algebra?
  27. Football game or basketball game?
  28. Cheerleader or mascot?
  29. Prom or homecoming?
  30. College or high school?

This or That Questions – Work

  1. Win the lottery or get your dream job?
  2. Angry client or angry coworker?
  3. Emails or calls?
  4. Show or tell?
  5. Pep talk or motivational quote?
  6. Salary or hourly?
  7. Raise or bonus?
  8. Introvert or extrovert?
  9. Big company or small company?
  10. Startup or established business?
  11. Start work late or leave work early?
  12. Work from home or work from the office?
  13. Free lunch or free dessert?
  14. Interviewer or interviewee?
  15. Physical work or mental work?
  16. Leader or follower?
  17. Visual learner or verbal learner?
  18. Video meetings or in-person meetings?
  19. Messy desk or clean desk?
  20. Snack stash or stationary stash?
  21. Book smarts or street smarts?
  22. Education or experience?
  23. Speed or accuracy?
  24. Private office or reserved parking spot?
  25. Group feedback or one on one feedback?
  26. Loose guidelines or clear directions?
  27. Company retreat or company holiday party?
  28. Team building after work or team building on the weekend?

This or That Questions – Travel

  1. Visit all the countries in the world or go to space?
  2. Travel 20 years into the past or into the future?
  3. Travel by plane, train or by ship?
  4. Travel abroad alone, or with family?
  5. Plan your own trip, or talk with experts
  6. Do time travel or teleportation?
  7. Visit France, or Japan?
  8. Travel for 5 years in an RV or in a sailboat?
  9. Vacation in the valleys or in the mountains?
  10. Travel for the rest of your life or never leave your home again?
  11. Travel the world or start a family?
  12. Travel to a new location or return to the same location annually?
  13. Travel for work or go on a vacation?
  14. Travel with family, friends, or your significant other?
  15. Book a pre-made travel tour or build your own itinerary from scratch?
  16. Spend 20 minutes on the moon or 3 weeks paid vacation in Europe?
  17. Have a new plane or travel around the world?
  18. Have the ability to travel through time, or be invisible?
  19. Travel in a big house or a camper van?
  20. Travel through space or travel through time?
  21. Travel to Russia or Australia?
  22. Go without your car or no video games for a month?
  23. Travel to London for a month or New York City?
  24. Sleep on a long trip or play fun games?
  25. Vacation to a popular city or to a remote location?
  26. Be able to teleport or turn invisible?
  27. Live in your hometown or live abroad?
  28. Have to live underwater, or in deep space?
  29. Live in an RV or a big yacht?
  30. Time travel or travel to a parallel dimension?
  31. Travel on a flying carpet or a dinosaur’s back?
  32. Be able to teleport or fly?
  33. Have a vacation in Japan or India?
  34. Drive or fly across the world?
  35. Live alone or travel alone?
  36. Be able to work from home or travel the world for work?
  37. Have a vacation to Taiwan or Hawaii?
  38. Explore the ocean or space?
  39. Sleep in a tent or rent a hotel?
  40. Have a flying car or an amphibious drone?

This or That Questions – Hard

  1. Logic or emotion?
  2. Words or actions?
  3. Passion or stability?
  4. Predictability or excitement?
  5. Growth or security?
  6. Money or love?
  7. Success or happiness?
  8. Apathy or obsession?
  9. Skill or popularity?
  10. Poor and happy or rich and miserable?
  11. Smartest or richest person in the world?
  12. Save 1000 strangers or one loved one?
  13. See the future or change the past?
  14. Time machine or magic wand?
  15. Sight or sound?
  16. Cherished or respected?
  17. Intense pain for ten minutes or dull pain for one day?
  18. Massive success by accident or modest success on purpose?
  19. Rekindled friendship or rekindled romance?
  20. Regret or doubt?
  21. Overestimated or underestimated?
  22. No company or bad company?
  23. Painful truth or comforting lie?
  24. Time with friends or time with family?
  25. Free travel for a year or free lodging for ten years?
  26. Second chance at love or career?
  27. Misunderstood after death or forgotten after death?
  28. Hero or antihero?
  29. Happy endings or sad endings?
  30. Overly optimistic or overly pessimistic?
  31. False hope or unnecessary anxiety?

This or That Questions – Couples

  1. Night out or night in?
  2. Food truck or restaurant?
  3. Fast food or healthy food?
  4. Dine in or order delivery?
  5. Coffee date or cocktail date?
  6. Concert or sports game?
  7. Funny movie or dramatic movie?
  8. Calling or texting?
  9. Scavenger Hunt or Escape Room?
  10. Gardening or Mowing the Lawn?
  11. Pet Names or Using Real Names?
  12. Double Dates or Hanging Out with Friends Separately?
  13. Handwritten Love Letters or Sweet Texts?
  14. Tandem Bike Ride or Gym Sessions Together?
  15. Dogs or cats?
  16. Big family or small family?
  17. Big wedding or small wedding?
  18. Messy or tidy?
  19. Planning or winging it?
  20. Arrive early or arrive late?
  21. Setting Relationship Goals or Going with the Flow?
  22. Themed Costume Party or Masquerade Ball?
  23. Date Nights or Staying in?
  24. Watching TV Together or Reading Together?
  25. Drive-In Movie or Outdoor Concert?
  26. Visit An Aquarium or Planetarium?
  27. Romantic Comedy or Action Thriller?
  28. Shared Netflix Account or Separate Profiles?
  29. Frequent Short Vacations or Occasional Long Vacations?
  30. Same Side of the Booth or Across the Table?
  31. Sleeping in or Early Riser?
  32. Traditional Traditions or Creating New Traditions?
  33. Flamenco or Breakdancing?
  34. Surprise Parties or Planned Celebrations?
  35. Comedy Club or Poetry Slam?
  36. Hiking or Camping?
  37. Botanical Garden or Zoo?
  38. Salsa Dancing or Ballroom Dancing?
  39. Big Wedding or Eloping?
  40. Weekend Getaways or Day Trips?
  41. Ice Skating or Roller Skating?
  42. Snorkeling or Snowboarding?
  43. Vacuuming or Cooking?
  44. Kayaking or Paddleboarding?
  45. Home-Cooked Dinner or Take-Out?
  46. Slow Dancing or Fast Dancing?
  47. Movie Night or Game Night?
  48. Stargazing or Watch the Sunrise?
  49. Frequent Small Surprises or Occasional Grand Gestures?
  50. Spaghetti Western or Kung-Fu Comedy?
  51. Mini-Golf or Bowling?
  52. Split the bill or take turns paying?
  53. Family or friends?
  54. Expensive or homemade gift?
  55. Sleeping in a bedroom or hall?
  56. Vegetarian or non-vegetarian?
  57. Couch potato or fitness freak?
  58. Eggs or pancakes?
  59. Toilet paper over or under?
  60. Talking or singing?
  61. Walk slow or walk fast?
  62. Looks or character?
  63. Clean as you cook or clean up at the end?
  64. Maintaining Friendships or Couple-Only Activities?
  65. Making the Bed or Folding Clothes?
  66. Sidewalk Cafe or Rooftop Bar?
  67. Frequent Texting or Infrequent Texting?
  68. Keeping Score or Not Keeping Track?
  69. Horseback Riding or Bike Ride?
  70. Working From Home or Commuting to Work?
  71. Lavish Gifts or Heartfelt Homemade Gifts?

This or That Questions – Gen Z

  1. Read a book or watch a movie?
  2. Netflix or Hulu?
  3. Friends or Seinfeld?
  4. Road trip or direct flight?
  5. Cabana or cabin?
  6. Superman or Batman?
  7. Bungee jumping or skydiving?
  8. Scary movie or rom-com?
  9. Marvel or DC comics?
  10. Disney or Pixar?
  11. Gold or silver?
  12. Madonna or Cher?
  13. Ariana Grande or Taylor Swift?
  14. Kylie or Kendall?
  15. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera?
  16. Country or city?
  17. East coast or west coast?
  18. Neutral or colorful?
  19. Sleep in or stay up?
  20. Sand or snow?
  21. Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?
  22. Flats or heels?
  23. Hair up or hair down?
  24. Sunrise or sunset?
  25. Introvert or extrovert?
  26. Shower or bath?
  27. Silence or chatter?
  28. 80s or ’90s?

This or That Questions – Deep

  1. God or No God?
  2. Pursuit of Individual Happiness or Personal Sacrifice for Betterment of Society?
  3. Heart or Mind?
  4. No Negative Emotions or Full Range of Emotions?
  5. Physical Health or Mental Health?
  6. Work or Family?
  7. Free Will or Destiny?
  8. Humanity: Inherently Good or Inherently Evil?
  9. Nature or Nurture?
  10. Help Yourself or Help Others?
  11. Jack of all Trades or Specialist in one?
  12. Education or Life Experience?
  13. Take Advice or Ignore Advice?
  14. Plan Ahead or Live in the Moment?
  15. Ask for Permission or Ask for Forgiveness?
  16. Freedom or Safety?
  17. Comfort or Effort?
  18. Settle or Search?
  19. Fit In or Stand Out?
  20. Friends or Extended Family?

This or That Questions – Dirty

  1. Mowing the yard or weeding the garden?
  2. Clothes in the closet or on the couch?
  3. Dirty bathroom or kitchen?
  4. Muddy or dusty floor?
  5. Bath or shower?
  6. Wash dishes after each meal or wait until the sink is full?
  7. Hand soap or hand sanitizer?
  8. Rake or shovel?
  9. Sponge or paper towel?
  10. Bar soap or body wash?
  11. Showers or baths?
  12. Subtly stained clothes or obviously wrinkled clothes?
  13. Clothes on the floor or in the hamper?
  14. Vacuuming or Sweeping?
  15. Laundry or dishes?
  16. Load the dishwasher or unload the dishwasher?
  17. Clean a litter box or walk a dog?

Wrapping Up

This or that questions are quick and easy games you can play with your friends. If you ask adults or students simple questions with only two options, you can learn a lot about that person or group fast. These questions can lead to interesting and amusing talks that go beyond surface level. When you play with lots of people, you can split them up into smaller teams and then play this game. The best thing about this game is that it can be played with your friends, family and also your colleagues. It’s a fun way to share stories and start interesting conversations. 


What is the meaning of “this or that”questions?

This game is called “this or that” where people have to choose between two different options. It’s a fun way to get people talking and can lead to interesting conversations and also reveal the person’s psychology.

How to play “this or that” game?

There are lots of ways to play “this or that”. A few ways are,
– Video meetings where people can vote
– Casual talks
– Team building through emails
– Ice breakers at the start of meetings

What are some difficult to answer “this or that”questions?

Some hard questions are about choosing between two things are,
– Logic or emotion?
– Success or happiness?
– Money or love?
– Painful truth or comforting lie?
– Predictability or excitement?

Navneet Kaushal
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