Which One Should You Choose for Your Website: COM vs NET vs ORG

While selecting a domain name for a website is a significant task, businesses must also make another important decision when registering their desired domain name, which is selecting an appropriate domain extension. You need to learn about various domain extensions, their history, and the meanings they carry in order to do that effectively. In this post, we will look at the three main domain extensions, com vs net vs org and their features.

selecting a domain name

What is a Domain Extension?

Every domain name consists of two components: the extension and the name. The name, otherwise called the second-level domain, is the unique identifier of the site. The second-level domain comes before the domain extension. Domain extensions are also known as Top Level Domains, or TLDs. While the name of your brand is indicated by the second-level domain, the entity that your website represents is indicated by the domain extension. Your website’s domain extension can have a big impact on how well your marketing efforts work and how visitors see your website. This indicates that selecting the appropriate domain extension for your business is crucial. Ideally, you should choose the domain extension before choosing the web design packages.

Types of Domain Extensions

  • Generic or Unrestricted Domain Extensions

The majority of domain names for online businesses include this type of extension, which is the most commonly used type of extension. Any website that is willing to pay for a generic domain extension can use it, and some of them are even free. The well known expansions .com, .org, and .net are conventional, as are numerous other specialty TLDs.

  • Sponsored or Restricted Domain Extensions

These extensions may just be utilized by associations that fit specific prerequisites. The.edu domain extension, for example, can only be used by accredited educational institutions, while the.gov extension can only be used by government agencies.

  • Country Code Domain Extensions

Countries are given domain names with country code extensions. Websites use these domain extensions to highlight their country of origin. The .us (USA), .uk (United Kingdom), .in (India), and .au (Australia) are a few common examples.

Is Domain Extension Important for SEO?

Choosing a domain extension is an important exercise before starting with the web development process, and it’s also important for SEO. The generic top-level domain of your website will not affect how well it performs in search engines. Your top-level domain has the greatest impact on brand perception and trust, but Google claims that it does not consider TLDs when listing search results. If you want to climb the rankings, it’s best to use other SEO best practices. However, the website with the .com domain extension will typically appear first in the majority of search results if two or more websites use the same SEO strategy and share the same name. This is due to the fact that websites with more traffic perform better in search engines and people generally prefer to use.com websites over alternatives with .net or .biz extensions.

But, the domain name itself can impact how well a site acts in the search engines. Because of this, the majority of .com domain names that contain common terms or keywords are already taken. Finding a .com domain name that includes your desired keyword may make SEO results a little easier to achieve. However, basing your entire SEO strategy on that one ranking factor is not recommended. Also, this means that even if your domain name doesn’t have a keyword, a good SEO strategy can still get a lot of relevant organic traffic to your website.

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3 Major Domain Extensions

  • .com Extension

The domain extension .com is without a doubt the most popular and widely used. The .com domain extension is used by over half of all websites on the internet. Actually, “Com” is short for “commercial”. This indicates that the .com extension was originally designed for websites that generate revenue. This includes personal websites, blogs, eCommerce websites, and business websites.

  • .net Extension

The word “network” is meant in .net. The .net domain extension was initially implied for sites of internet and email service providers, and different organizations of comparable nature. They are a well-liked alternative to unobtainable .com domain names. Since they are unrestricted, .net domains can technically be used for any kind of website. 

Many businesses simply purchase the .net alternative to their .com business name due to their popularity as an alternative to .com domain names. They divert all traffic to the .com website from the .net domain. This way, these companies can make sure that their traffic doesn’t get lost because someone entered the wrong domain name. Similarly, if the .com alternative is already taken, they must begin with a .net domain name. When these businesses grow, they frequently acquire the .com alternative. However, they may continue to own the .net alternative for legal reasons or simply to avoid confusion for their current customers when trying to locate them online.

  • .org Extension

The word “organization” is shortened in the extension .org. Domain names ending in .org were initially intended for charitable and non-profit organizations. However, the .org domain extension does not have any restrictions. Having said that, the .org extension has a preconceived notion associated with it because it was originally intended for non-profit organizations. The majority of internet users may assume that a .org website is non-commercial upon encountering it.

This can be both good and bad depending on the circumstance and the user. For instance, the perception that a .org website is non-commercial may encourage more users to interact with it. On the other hand, if a user discovers that they are accessing a website with a commercial purpose while mistaking it for a non-commercial one, it may harm the website’s reputation in their mind.

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When Should You Choose .com Extension?

The .com extension is regarded as an indication of professionalism by many internet users. Many of the most popular websites use the .com extension, because of this so many other websites try to use it. Consequently, many internet users may have a subconscious preference for websites with a .com extension over those without. One more advantage of the .com domain extension is the memorability related to it. The majority of individuals expect a website to end with a .com rather than anything else. Even if a website uses a different domain extension, many users will type in the name of a website with .com at the end. Due to these reasons, your first choice should be to go for a .com extension. 

When Should You Choose .net Extension?

If you are unable to locate a suitable domain that is available with the .com extension, that is the only circumstance in which you should think about choosing .net over .com. If this is the case, you might want to change your domain name by spelling it differently or adding descriptive words that better describe your company. You could try and consider buying the .com domain from the current owner, or changing your organization name by and large to get a .com domain. Try the .net extension if none of these alternatives are effective.

Consider purchasing both of your desired domains if they are available with the .com and .net extensions, and then redirect your .net domain to your primary .com domain. By doing this, users won’t end up on the wrong website and others won’t buy a domain that is similar to yours to divert traffic away from you. The availability of .com is the deciding factor for the majority of websites when choosing between .com and .net. If not, you’ll have to choose between taking on the branding challenge of a non-dot-com domain and finding an alternative domain with .com availability.

When Should You Choose .org Extension?

Organizations such as non-governmental organizations (NGOs), charities, free online educators (in contrast to paid services that typically use .com or .edu), and open-source technology platforms all find that .org’s solid reputation and availability make it an excellent choice. If your organization falls into one of these categories, you can boost your brand’s credibility by using .org. Additionally, securing the desired domain name will be easier. A few organizations secure both .org and .com as separate extensions for their nonprofit and for-profit departments, separately. For example, WordPress uses a .com for its paid site builder and hosting services and an .org for its free content management system.

Comparison of Domain Extensions

  • .net VS .com

Even though the business-oriented domain .net is very popular, only 3% of websites use it. Because of this, you should always check .com before thinking about .net. There are numerous advantages to using .com. For one thing, if your domain ends in .com, potential customers are more likely to remember it and be able to find it later. If you choose .net, many people will probably automatically assume that your subdomain is .com, resulting in a blank page or, even worse, a competing website.

A .com domain also suggests authority and professionalism in your industry. Any extension other than .com might give the impression that a different company is more established than yours, which could undermine visitors’ trust in your service. A “.com” key is included in smartphone keyboards so that users can quickly enter a domain into their browser. This option is unfortunately not available for any other domain extension, including .net. Although it may appear insignificant, visitors can be adversely affected by even insignificant issues. Don’t forget about mobile browsing if you think this channel will get a lot of traffic.

  • .org VS .com

The suitable purposes of .org and .com resides in the fact that .com has consistently addressed business sites, and .organization has consistently addressed nonprofit organizations. If you link your for-profit website to .org, visitors won’t trust. The majority of us automatically assume that the website “website.org” exists to provide free resources or to serve the public. As a consequence of this, using this extension for a company appears deceptive. Ensure that all users are redirected to the more appropriate domain.


You should go with a dependable extension rather than a trendy one. Based on location, preference, and business types, numerous domain name extensions are currently available. However, the three domain name extensions listed above remain the best option. New domain extensions may appear to be fun, but they have no value. Choose domains with complete integrity to achieve long-term business objectives.


Can I use .co if .com is not available?

The problem with .co is that only one letter separates .co from .com. So, users may mistake .com for this similarity, resulting in confusion when searching for your website. And, .co is more expensive than .com. So go for it only if you can’t get the .com extension for your site.

Are domain extensions important for SEO?

Google does not consider domain extensions for SEO but since more people flock to .com sites, they have a higher chance of ranking. Domain names are where you should concentrate when it comes to SEO since they have a big impact.

Can I have trendy domain extensions?

Trendy extensions can be tempting but they don’t help your business much. You still have to brand and advertise your business so that people know your online site. Trends may also fade away with time.

Navneet Kaushal
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